Image credit: Google Gemini What is “green steel”? Simple. It’s a misnomer. Iron in nature is rarely found alone. We mine its oxides as iron ores. These oxides need to be chemically reduced (gaining electrons = reduction) to take the Fe+2 and Fe+3 ions in the iron oxides, to Fe metal. And the oxygen needs […]
Tag: electrification
Will Green Hydrogen Save the Cement Industry?
Image credit: Google Gemini TL&DR summary: hydrogen can be used in cement production as a natural gas replacement, but that doesn’t solve the entire CO2 emissions of cement production. There are other problems like the lack of hydrogen flame radiance, but the deal killer is the cost per tonne of CO2 emissions averted. Hydrogen may […]
Home Heating-Electrification?
UPDATE 17/08/2024: major updated costs and analysis Warning: this article contains a lot of numbers. Numbers that tell a story. If you don’t like numbers, stop reading and spare yourself arithmetic anxiety. It should not be news to you that people in Canada need to heat their homes. Some of us also need air conditioning […]
What Are the Energy Solutions?
What are the Energy Solutions? UPDATED 25/06/2024, because LinkedIn messed up the formatting, deleted every apostrophe etc. How the hell does that stuff happen? No idea…but I’ve cleaned up the mess, and added a lot of links to new articles on related topics. And I’ve also admitted that my predictions about Ontario’s tendency to re-kindle […]