Process Development and Decarbonization Consulting

Spitfire Research provides chemical process development and scale-up consulting services across the breadth of the chemical process industry, with a focus on transitioning the industry to a decarbonized future .

No Bullsh*t

We call a spade a shovel, in the interest of clarity and to save you time and money. If you’re looking for someone to flatter you and buoy confidence in your precious new idea, you probably should look elsewhere. But if you want clear, direct, no-bullsh*t advice about process development and decarbonization matters, you’ve come to the right place.



Our principal has 5 years hands-on experience developing, patenting and scaling up chemical process technology, and 26 years experience designing, building and testing pilot, demonstration and first commercial plants of a bewildering variety. Experience includes program and project management, strategy, partnerships, technoeconomic analysis, and nuts and bolts engineering across hundreds of projects.

The ER-6, a fully electric Triumph TR-6. This project arose from the “smashes” of the E-Fire Triumph Spitfire EV project built in 2014


(647) 833 2057

spitfireresearchinc at gmail dot com


Toronto, Ontario, Canada