Paul Martin
A seasoned chemical engineer, with 30 yrs experience across the full breadth of the chemical process industry.
I spent 5 yrs working in process technology development and consulting roles, and have patents related to that work assigned to previous employers. My focus was on ground- and wastewater treatment and contaminated site remediation.
With Zeton Inc
I retired from Zeton Inc. after 26 yrs.
At Zeton I worked on a very wide variety of different types of projects. Projects have varied from early phase work, where I helped clients design experiments and apparatus to get good lab data for scale-up, to the design and construction of first of kind pilot plants, larger demonstration scale plants, and assistance with scale-up to commercial. Projects involved petroleum and natural gas and chemicals (hydrotreating, gas to liquids etc.), biofuels/biofeedstocks, primary metals, materials including battery materials, polymers and fine chemicals.
Spitfire Research
I’ve been practicing as a sole proprietor consultant in relation to environmental, water treatment and process development issues since before joining Zeton in 1996. Spitfire Research Inc. is just the most recent embodiment of a long standing private consulting business.
Spitfire’s scope includes, but is not limited to:
- determining the correct number and scale of stages in a in process technology scale-up
- scale-up risk assessment
- review of flowsheets and process models
- evaluation of pilot program results
- investigating research and development claims for validity
- technology readiness level assessment
- assistance with R&D program development
- expert witness work
- technoeconomic evaluations
- decarbonization strategy guidance
- assessment of competing technologies
- talks and focused teleconferences on matters related to hydrogen, energy and decarbonization options
- electric alternatives to fired equipment